
The Board of Regents of the 内布拉斯加大学 has established minimum admission requirements for first-time freshman students. 这些要求可能与转让政策无关, 国际, 招收非学位学生.

1. 保证录取: 经过认证的高中毕业生, 自主学习, or the general education diploma must meet both the core course requirements and the performance requirements outlined below for assured admission.

核心课程要求: 学生 must have successfully completed 16 units of selected high school courses. 一个单位相当于一年的高中课程.

英语 4 所有单元必须包括精读和写作. 
数学 3 必须包括代数I,代数II和几何 
社会科学 3 至少一门美国和/或世界历史课程, 一个额外的历史单元, 美国政府, and/or Geography; and a third unit of any 社会科学 discipline or subject. 
自然科学 3 At least two of the three units selected from biology, chemistry, physics, and earth science. 其中一个单元必须包括实验室指导. 
世界通用语言 2 必须学两年同一种世界语言吗. 学生 who are unable to take two years of world langu年龄 in high school may still qualify for admission. Such students will be required to take one or two semesters of world langu年龄 depending on the number of units completed at the high school while at 体育菠菜大平台.
学术选修 1 从上述学科中任选一门. 最好是 数学


性能需求: In addition to meeting the above core course requirements, First-Year applicants should:

  • ACT成绩不低于20分.
  • Or, score a total of 1040 or higher on the SAT Critical Reading and Math sections.
  • 或者,在高中毕业班名列前半名.
  • 或者是3.累计高中平均成绩0分.


a. 申请表 -完成一个 在线申请 然后交45美元.00元不可退还的入学申请费:


b.  成绩单 -  A final transcript reflecting high school graduation date and a cumulative GPA is required after you have graduated. 在申请时, you will be allowed to self-report high school coursework and GPA, and encour年龄d to upload a sixth semester (end of junior year) transcript.


2. 经检讨录取 

Applicants who do not qualify for admission by meeting all entrance criteria may be considered for 经检讨录取. Each applicant will be reviewed and considered for admission on an individual basis by a committee of university representatives. 学生的累积高中平均绩点, 班级排名, ACT/SAT scores and the grades received in the core course requirements are all considered a primary factor in the admission evaluation and decision. The student may be asked to provide letters of recommendation from the high school counselor or principal as well as an educational purpose statement. 学生 who do not meet the 16 core course requirements and/or whose high school 班级排名 falls below the 3rd quartile will be encour年龄d to attend a community college to strengthen their academic record before attending 体育菠菜大平台. 体育菠菜大平台 works closely with the local community colleges to determine courses that transfer and satisfy the admission requirements.
All students admitted under 经检讨录取 will be monitored for academic success until they fulfill the conditions of their admission. 学生 with academic course deficiencies will be required to sign an 经检讨录取 Agreement and make up any core course deficiencies by successfully completing an approved college-level course in each area of deficiency within the first 48 semester hours attempted at 体育菠菜大平台. A 大学基金会s Class may be required for students who are admitted under 经检讨录取 who meet the core course requirements but do not meet performance requirements.


3. 接纳持有普通教育文凭的学生

Applicants who complete equivalent academic training such as the GED will be considered for admission under 经检讨录取. Applicants should submit official transcripts reflecting all high school or post-secondary work completed and ACT or SAT results (if under the 年龄 of 21) as well as copies of GED scores and the GED certificate. 学生 who are admitted without completing all 16 core course requirements will be required to successfully complete an approved college-level course in each area of deficiency within their first 24 hours of enrollment at 体育菠菜大平台


4. 自主学习的学生

a. 申请表 -完成一个 在线申请 然后交45美元.00元不可退还的入学申请费:


b.  成绩单 -  A final transcript reflecting high school graduation date and a cumulative GPA is required after you have graduated. 在申请时, you will be allowed to self-report high school coursework and GPA, and encour年龄d to upload a sixth semester (end of junior year) transcript.


5. 21岁以上学生方可入内
Freshman students over the 年龄 of 21 who do not meet the above requirements for admission, 但要有能力完成大学学业的证据, 可以考虑特别录取吗. 申请人必须是经过认证的高中毕业生, 自主学习, 或持有普通教育文凭(GED). 请参阅所需文档的第一页. ACT或SAT成绩不需要. 


6. 转学
For admission to the 内布拉斯加大学科尔尼分校, transfer students must:

  • 毕业于地区认可的高中, 在家学习或拥有普通教育文凭(GED).
  • Be in good standing at your previous institution(s) and have a 2.平均绩点0或以上. If you have completed 24 or more transferable semester hours from a regionally accredited collegiate institution following high school graduation, you are considered to have met the high school core course requirements that are required for admission.  The Office of Records and Registration will determine the number of acceptable “transferable” credit hours from your previous college(s).
  • If you have completed fewer than 24 semester hours of transferable coursework from a regionally accredited collegiate institution following high school graduation you must meet the high school core course requirements. 这些涵盖了英语领域(四年), 数学(3年), 社会研究(三年), 外语(两年, 相同的语言), 选修课程(一年). 



内布拉斯加大学科尔尼分校 declares and affirms a policy of equal educational and employment opportunities, 就业平权行动, 以及在向公众提供服务时的歧视. 因此, the 内布拉斯加大学科尔尼分校 shall not discriminate against anyone based on upon race, 年龄, color, 残疾, 宗教, 性(包括性骚扰)性取向, 国家或民族出身, 婚姻状况, 或者越南战争时期的老兵身份.

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